Why we give

We started cuddle+kind after watching a documentary about childhood hunger. As parents of three young children, we were devastated to learn the facts below.

  • 66 million

    primary school-aged children
    attend classes hungry every day.

  • 45%

    of deaths in children under five are caused by poor nutrition– 3.1 million children each year.

We were inspired to help change this. The United Nations World Food Programme considers hunger "one of the most solvable problems that face the world today." We believe that by giving children the nutrition they need to thrive and reach their potential, we will be making a positive impact on the world for generations to come. And when you purchase a doll, you're not only providing nutrition to a child, you're also teaching your little one the values of kindness.

  • fight disease

  • develop cognitively

  • receive an education

  • perform better in school

  • earn more as an adult

  • break the cycle of poverty

  • reach their full potential

Your purchase does a world of good.

The school meals we provide through our giving partners play a critical role in these communities because they are sometimes the only meal a child will eat on a given day. Many students in communities where our meals are distributed walk an hour each way to school and are highly committed to getting an education and improving their lives.

We can see the very real and meaningful impact our supporters’ purchases are making. Together, we are improving the lives and futures of thousands of children, their families and communities. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.


How we give

We've established partnerships with several highly respected humanitarian agencies to distribute the meals we provide. Their programs and on-the-ground knowledge ensure that every purchase you make will directly benefit children in need.

  • Breakfast Club of Canada

    Breakfast Club of Canada works to empower every child to realize their full potential by providing a healthy morning meal before classes start. One child out of five in Canada is at risk of starting the school day on an empty stomach due to a lack of access to nutritious food. With our partnership, we are nurturing children's health, helping them realize their potential and giving an equal chance of success to all kids.

    Learn more at:

  • World Food Program USA School Meals Program

    The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide, reaching more than 76 million people in 81 countries with food assistance. WFP provides meals to 18.3 million children each year. We support WFP USA's school meal program because it can be life-changing to children, not only helping to improve their nutrition but improving their ability to learn.

    Learn more at:

  • Children's Hunger Fund

    Children's Hunger Fund (CHF) provides nourishing food for children across America and around the world. Since 1991, CHF has delivered food and, ultimately, hope, to children and families in need, delivering "Food Paks," school meals and other aid. Through our partnership, we're providing vital nutrition to children in need. We're especially proud to be supplying school meals to over 8,600 children in Peru, where our dolls are made.

    Learn more at:

There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.


What we give

For every doll purchased, 10 meals are provided to children in need around the world through our respected giving partners.

  • Breakfast

    In Canada, we provide nutritious morning meals before school starts. Children who receive this healthy, balanced breakfast have shown marked improvements in behavior, concentration, academic performance, social skills, and self-confidence.

  • Food Paks

    In the US and Peru, we provide boxes of nutritious, non-perishable staple foods like rice, pasta, beans, canned vegetables and meat to offer relief for families and children who are affected by food insecurity. This provides vital nutrition and hope for children in need.

  • School gardens + meals

    Providing nutritious meals at school gives children the energy to learn, break the cycle of poverty, and build a brighter future. We support an incredible program that supplies fruits and vegetables for school meals in Kenya. This 60-acre organic farm grows over 25 different varieties of organic produce centered on the traditional staples of maize and beans, supplemented by fresh fruits and vegetables. As part of this program, over 6,750 children in nine schools are also taught skills that promote food security.

  • Empowering girls

    Girls are disproportionately affected by lack of opportunities for education worldwide. When children are given meals in school, attendance increases, more girls receive an education and school performance greatly improves. For many children, a school lunch is the only meal they receive all day. Families are able to send their children to school knowing that they will receive a nutritious meal as well as an opportunity to learn.

    Girls with more education have fewer children, have them later in life and are better prepared to care for their families. Studies have shown that a woman's education contributed to 43% of the reduction in child malnutrition over time.

The heart that gives, gathers


Where we give

The meals our dolls provide are donated in 64 countries around the world through our valued partnerships with several humanitarian agencies. Together, we’ve donated over 32 million meals to children in need. Thank you!

  • United States

    In the US, over 16 million children live in food insecure households. Your purchases help provide meals through local food banks and nutritious Food Paks to families with children who are facing hunger regularly or for the first time.

  • Canada

    Over one million Canadian children live in food-insecure households. One in five are at risk of starting the school day on an empty stomach. Our dolls help provide children with a nutritious breakfast, giving them the energy to learn.

  • Peru

    8,160 children now receive meals each day in Apurimac, including the provinces of Abancay, Aymaraes, Grau, and Antabamba while some families in need also receive nutritious Food Paks. It's so meaningful to us to give back in the country where our dolls are handmade.

  • Around the world

    In 64 countries around the world, your purchases help feed children nutritious lunches in school. School meals have proven to increase attendance, improve performance and allow more girls to receive an education in areas where people are deeply affected by food insecurity.

Be the change you want to see in the world.


Our giving impact

Every year, we take stock of all that we accomplished and reflect on the values that drive us. That comes to life through our Giving Book! We know many of you like to share it when you give our dolls so your recipient can learn about the good their gift is doing. We hope you enjoy our 2023 edition; it's filled with adorable pictures, important info and some amazing feedback from our customers.

Our giving impact

Every year, we take stock of all that we accomplished and reflect on the values that drive us. That comes to life through our Giving Book! We know many of you like to share it when you give our dolls so your recipient can learn about the good their gift is doing. We hope you enjoy our new 2023 edition; it's filled with adorable pictures, important info and some amazing feedback from our customers.